
We live in the technological age where every aspect of our lives revolves and relies on technology. We are becoming lazy; we allow machines to do the work of man. It has even got to the point where we are living our lives through machines, online in ‘cyber space’. Why is it that we are so engrossed with the internet? Even as I am writing this I am submitting myself to become a part of social networking. But why?

Not so long ago the internet was merely a place for searching information but lately it has evolved far beyond this initial notion, it has evolved into this chasm filled with anything and everything we can imagine. And this is the biggest problem; we have access to everything, there are limitless possibilities, the internet, and ‘cyber space’, is ever growing, ever expanding. It has even given us the power and ability to completely re-create ourselves down to our identity and even our lives. The sad thing, for me, is that we all willing partake in this behaviour, we all succumb and are happy to live in this fictitious environment. What does this say about the evolution of mankind?

In this blog I am going to explore my own personal identity whilst also trying to delve into the roots of why we are so fascinated with the construct of our online identity and social media websites. While simultaneously expression my notion that the internet and the construct of an online identity and the use of social media websites is ultimately denigrating human evolution.


*Side note


This blog has been created as a part of an assessment task however personally I don’t like this idea. I get that this is a way for us to exhibit our work and progression, and with ‘cyber space’ being such a vast and growing way for artist to get exposure, this makes sense. But I can’t help feeling that by doing this blog, in a sense, defeats the purpose of blogging.

Blogging, for me, embodies freedom of expression, whether that be through writing, posting images, or re-blogging etc. everything that I do on a blog should be entirely independent on my choices of exposure. With this assignment however, because this blog’s mark counts significantly to my overall grade, I find myself questioning and doubting everything that I posting because I keep asking myself questions like:   ‘Is this worthy enough? Will this add or subtract from my mark? What will the teacher think if I post this?

It is these questions that I feel one should not ask themselves whilst creating/establishing themselves on a blog. I don’t like feeling directly judged by my posts. I know that normally, with a blog not for school purposes, judgement is a predisposition but it is done anonymously with the exception of some peers. I don’t mind the fact that my peers are judging my work, but what I find a little discomforting is that a teacher is trying to critic me on the way I express myself. Personally I feel quite strongly on the issue that freedom of expression is something that cannot be assessed because of our individual difference with regard to our perception and understanding of what is art, and what is beautiful.

It is with this that I feel quiet nervous about blogging and posting photo’s on this blog because I feel my online identity is being shaped and hindered by all these external factors that directly co-relate to me, basically, trying to impress or make an impression on my teacher. Instead of blogging for me – I am blogging for someone else and i don’t see the point in that – but I will because I value and appreciate photography as means of art and expression and moreover I like the idea of blogging and how it allows you to create, build and establish an identity but in retrospect this will be the sole product of impressing not freedom of expressing


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